Lean Tools

Most commonly used and Core Lean Manufacturing Tools orignated from Toyota Production System:-

01- 5S(Workplace Organization and Standardization)

02- Buffer and Safety Stock

03- Cellular Layout

04- Continuous Flow

05- Cycle Time

06- Heijunka (Leveling)

07- Jidoka

08- Just-In-Time

09- Kaizen

10- Kanban

11- Lean Metrices

12- Lean Office

13- Lean Reporting

14- Line Balancing

15- Mistake-Proofing

16- Origins of Lean

17- Paced Withdrawal

18- Pitch

19- PQ Analysis

20- Problem Solving

21- Quick Change Over

22- Standard Work

23- Takt Time

24- Total Productive Maintenance

25- Value Stream Management

26- Visual Factory

27- Waste

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