Friday 11 July 2014

7 Steps for Sorting during implementing 5S

The first 'S' of 5S which stands for Sorting. It means that seperate out items within a target area on need basis i.e. the items which are necessory for that area and the items which are not necessory for that area.

7 Steps for Sorting:-

  1. The 5S implementing team of that area mutually defines the purpose for the area as a basis for which items need to be seperated out.
  2. The 5S implementing team agrees on the items which are not essential to the selected area.
  3. These items are then Red Tagged.
  4. Red Tagged items are then moved to a staging area, a place where decisions about the items will be made. Create one stagging (Red Tag Area) if you do not have it.
  5. Managers are to determine the disposition of Red Tagged items which may include: return to area, find a new proper place, dispose or repair.
  6. Begin to determine best area for remaining items.
  7. Put up project bulletin board for communication to the other employees and prominently before and after photograps of that area.

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